
Qbittorrent remote
Qbittorrent remote

QBittorrent is Free Software (more than just freeware! Free as in Freedom) released under the GNU GPLv2 license. What are the terms of use for qBittorrent? What do all those flags in the Flags column mean?.Restoring qBittorrent from tray when using Openbox.How do I do IP Filtering (eMule and PeerGuardian compatible) in qbittorrent in GNU/Linux?.Numbers are displayed wrong/with weird symbols on Windows.My favorite RSS feed requires cookies, how can I configure qBittorrent to use them?.Is there a Firefox or Chrome/Chromium addon that can help me send torrents to qBittorrent?.I am locked out of the WebUI and running qbittorrent-nox, how can I reset the password?.Can I run qBittorrent on a remote computer? Without X server?.What does the settings in the Options → Advanced menu do?.How do I import my torrents from another BitTorrent client?.Seeding torrents have no priority (i.e.Low performance despite high or 100% disk usage on Windows (also with external drives).I configured qBittorrent to not download some files in a torrent but they still appear on my hard disk, why is that?.How can I reset the settings to default values?.Where does qBittorrent save its settings?.

qbittorrent remote

My menu icons in qBittorrent are gone, why?.Why use qBittorrent instead of another client?.Is qBittorrent available on my GNU/Linux distribution?.Which operating systems are currently supported by qBittorrent?.I wrote a patch for qBittorrent, to whom can I send it?.Will private torrent be affected by DHT and PeX in qBittorrent?.Why can't I set a priority on completed files or folders?.There is a feature I would like to see in qBittorrent, where can I make a request?.I found a bug in the software, where can I report it?.What are the terms of use for qBittorrent?.

qbittorrent remote

Obsolete compilation guides Clone this wiki locally

  • cmake (x86_64, arm64, cross-compilation, static linkage).
  • Fully static binaries on Linux (glibc or musl).
  • Debian / Ubuntu and derivatives (autotools/qmake).
  • Debian / Ubuntu and derivatives (CMake).
  • Using VSCode for qBittorrent development.
  • OpenVPN and qBittorrent without X server.
  • Running qBittorrent without X server (WebUI only, systemd service set up, Ubuntu 15.04 or newer).
  • Running qBittorrent without X server (WebUI only).
  • Let's Encrypt certificates + NGINX reverse proxy - Linux.
  • Let's Encrypt Certificates + Caddy2 Reverse Proxy.
  • qBittorrent options (current and deprecated).

  • Qbittorrent remote