
Digital to analog tv converter boxes
Digital to analog tv converter boxes

digital to analog tv converter boxes

I didn't realize there would be two types of digital to analog converters. and it will look better than off a 'bird' or cable system! Hello?!?!?!Īnyway, OTA has its' place - believe me on this.Ĭlick to expand.My mistake, that this is for the airwaves broadcast only.

digital to analog tv converter boxes

What's the benefit to OTA viewers (HDTV & Analog)? On channel 8, in the example above, you'll get 6 channels of content (with an OTA HDTV/DTV converter) instead of 1 channel on analog. OTA doesn't suffer from this limitation! They've got bandwidth up the ying-yang!!!įor instance, OTA broadcasters have so much bandwidth available, many offer several sub-channels of content available on the same channel, like: Sure, satellite and cable operators hope you don't notice this, but even if you do - oh, well! There's nothing they can do about it! The most popular channels with the biggest viewing audiences get the most bandwidth. There is only so much bandwidth available on satellites and (particularly) cable systems, and it gets divided up between many channels. Satellite is better than cable, in this respect, but NOTHING beats OTA for bandwidth!!!

digital to analog tv converter boxes

If I've got a choice of watching a HDTV program on satellite or Over-The-Air, I'll pick OTA every time. As I said above, I've been using HDTV for years, and bandwidth is the name of the game, for picture quality!

Digital to analog tv converter boxes